Tuesday, August 28, 2012

God First Challenge! (September 2-16)

I want to extend a special invitation to all of you to join me beginning Sunday, September 16 for the "God First Challenge"!

And here it is my first vlog…(by the way if you read my post yesterday I decided late last night to change the name from 15/15 Challenge to God First Challenge):

I know what you're thinking (because I thought it too):

“I barely have enough time to get out the door in the mornings...”

“I'm SO not a morning person even God doesn't want to spend the morning with me...”

I ask you just to give it a try and COMMIT for 15 days and see if it isn’t life changing for you!

Speaking from experience, this challenge has helped me to:

  • Feel better prepared for my day
  • Feel more peaceful
  • Become closer to God
  • Have a clearer understanding of God's purpose for my life
  • Enjoy waking up
  • Find more purpose in the everyday things
  • Have a better understanding of His Word and how it applies to my life
  • And SO much more...

This challenge will begin Sunday, September 2 and go to Sunday, September 16.  I will have DAILY (yes, I said daily -eek!) blog posts to encourage you along.  Each day will have a challenge and scripture. I will post the blog the night before so you can read the upcoming challenge and then during those 15 minutes in the morning be totally focused on God and his will for your day! 
You may choose to read and meditate only on the scripture I post or you may have your own study you want to do-either way is fine just be in His word!  So are you up for it?  Ready for God to challenge and change you? 

Leave me a comment and let me know if you’re going to be joining us.  It’s only 15 days but it’s my prayer that by the end of these 15 days just as you get up and crave that cup of coffee first thing in the morning, you’ll also long to get in God’s Word and have a drink of living water!

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Happy Belated Birthday (And Welcome Back) Striving for Simplicity!!

Wow-I just realized that while I’ve been on a bit of a “blogging break” my blog officially turned a year old!  So Happy Belated Birthday to “Striving for Simplicity”!!  I enjoyed reflecting on some of my first blogs and seeing how much both I and our family have grown over the last year. Not just in number but we’ve grown closer to God and to each other enjoying many simple moments and making some precious memories!  While we've been doing this my blog has been pushed aside but I'm ready to get back into a routine and return to some accountability - so ready or not I'm going to be back to more of a "normal" blogging schedule.

Now as I get ready to settle into a fall routine, I’ve looked back over my first few entries and my priorities.  (In case you missed my first post on what this blog is all about then you can read it here.)

Now looking forward I still have the same top five priorities but a few different ideas on how to live them out:

1.        God  I still have my Good Morning Girls group to help hold me accountable for putting Him first in my day.  I’m also excited to announce that while we are between sessions, I’m going to be doing a challenge here on the blog I’m calling the 15/15 Challenge.  This challenge will begin Sunday, September 2 and will involve giving God the first 15 minutes of your day for 15 days.  I’ll have blog posts everyday for those 15 days (yikes!) which will include daily scripture, a daily challenge, and even a couple giveaways so stay tuned! I’ll have my first vlog (if I don’t chicken out) and more details coming up tomorrow so stay tuned!!

2.       Family – I’m still all about family night once a week; however, I’ve also realized that for us it’s impossible to have a set night of the week to do it.  It’s easier for me to just look ahead to the next week and then decide what will work best for us.  I’m also planning to start back with Tot School after Labor Day.  “Miss Priss” has asked often about that so get ready for those posts to return once a week!

3.       Friends and Community – I’ve missed my “visiting” over the summer.  I’ve been able to start it back the last couple of weeks and it’s amazing how you go to someone’s house hoping to lift them up or be a blessing and leave being so blessed yourself!  Now that “Miss Priss” is a little older I’m hoping to really involve her more in our visits and “random acts of kindness”.  Hoping to be able to incorporate making cards, basic “cooking” skills, etc. into our Tot School and then deliver our goodies on a visiting day!

4.       Home – I’ve stuck with my original cleaning schedule and it’s really working for me!  I love investing an hour or so a day into cleaning and that leaving me free to do the other things that are more important! We were very blessed over summer to be able to do a couple projects around our home.  I’m still hoping to share some cleaning and decorating tips, along with some other things that are working around our home as we go throughout this next year.

5.       Health- Last year I set all these goals out then found out a few weeks later I was pregnant so this one didn’t make it anywhere last year! I am registered for my first 5k on Labor Day although I have to confess I have not stuck with my Couch to 5K program very well and probably will be doing more walking than running but at least it’s a start!  I’ve also been trying to eat more natural, whole foods and to only eat when I’m hungry. It’s amazing what a difference that makes!


So there’s my little check-in for the upcoming blog year. I’m looking forward to seeing what God has coming up for me and for this blog as we begin our second year continuing to keep our priorities in order and strive for simplicity!

Is it time for a priority check-up in your life?  Have you enjoyed anything from this blog this first year?  Anything you’d like to see or read about in the upcoming year? I’d love to have your input!