Sunday, October 14, 2012

Letter D and a Mini-Vacation

Tot School was cut a little short this week as we were able to spend the last part of the week in the Smoky Mountains. Looks like we'll be picking up a lot of this week on our review week! Here's some of what we did accomplish:

Bible Story: Moses

We read the story of Moses from our Bible storybook and did the coloring sheet and Moses craft. "Sour Patch" joined us on our second day of Moses and did the craft with us.


Letter D-used a Q-tip to paint dots on letter "D"
Fingerpainted the letter "d"

Nursery Rhyme-Hey Diddle Diddle

We also played in our fall sensory bin some more:  Sorting leaves by kind and color and having a little fun with disguises!

And some highlights from our vacation:

We spent one day shopping but had to take a couple breaks: 

To Ride Carousel

To Make "Sunshine" Laugh


Then we spent one day with the whole family in Cade's Cove. We took a little hike through the woods looking (and finding) a couple bear! 

So we didn't get a lot of Tot School done last week but we did have a great week and still learned a lot!

Resources and Additional Activities:

ABC Jesus Loves Me
Confessions of a Homeschooler Letter D
Tot School Letter D

Friday, October 12, 2012

Complete in Christ

“I have a great need for Christ, I have a great Christ for my need.” 
                                ~Charles Spurgeon
Wondering why you aren’t ever happy?  Feel like something is missing?  Are you constantly searching for something to bring you joy?

Maybe it’s because your need for Christ hasn't been met.  God created you for a purpose and placed within you a desire to need Him in your life.  We read earlier in our Colossians study “…all things were created by him, and for him.”  (Col 1:16)  You’re either living your life for Him as He created you or you’re looking for other things to fill that void.

I’ve been reading and listening to a lot of Sally Clarkson lately.  She gives an example of when she was living in a foreign country and trying to assemble something using instructions in a foreign language.  She didn’t understand the instructions so it was a hopeless case!  But then she found an interpreter and it was easily assembled. 

Our problem today is not with the instructions but with the interpretation.  We’ve put our trust in the wrong interpreter.  We depend on society to tell us what will bring us joy instead of our creator.  Do you even know what the Bible says about your purpose?  About truly having joy? About satisfying your needs?

“And ye are complete in him…” Colossians 2:10

It says you are COMPLETE in Christ.  That’s such a comfort to me!  HE’S ALL I NEED!!!  I don’t have to have a lot of money, power or good looks.  I just have to believe and fully trust in Him.  That’s the secret to life!
Are you feeling incomplete and in NEED this morning?  Get in His word and allow Him to complete you.  Here’s just a few examples to get you started:

Need a Friend – John 15:15

Need Strength-Psalm 46

Need Comfort – John 14:18

Need Joy- John 16:22

Need Peace – John 16:33

Need Encouragement – 1 Corinthians 10:13

Need Wisdom - James 1:5

Need Spiritually Fed – John 6:35

Need Forgiveness – Ephesians 1:7, 1 John 1:9

Need Love-John 15:13, Romans 8:35

Need Grace – 2 Corinthians 12:9

Need a Savior – Luke 19:10, John 3:16-17

Need a New Life- 1 John 5:12

I pray that you will allow your needs to be met by the one who created you and knows you best.  The one and only one who can truly complete you.

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Sunday, October 7, 2012

Tot School: C is for Colorful Coat

Here are some highlights from what we did and learned last week in Tot School using our ABCJLM curriculum:
Bible Story:  Joseph and His Coat of Many Colors
Day 1 -Read story from our Bible Story Book and Coloring Sheet
Day 2 - Reread the story and talked about
Day 3- Using the pictures and story book “Miss Priss” told me the story.  Then she created a coat of many colors using the coat printable and tissue paper.

Memory Verse- Romans 12:21

Song/Poem- Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
Letter C:
-Put cotton on letter “C”
-Made “C”s with play-doh
-Did a crayon rubbing of the letter “C”
-Made a letter “C” with masking tape and used it as a road for our cars
-Used our dot markers for letter “C”
Science Color Experiment:  We talked about how you could use certain colors to make other colors.   I got out our red, yellow, and blue food coloring.  I told her I needed orange food coloring but didn’t have any orange.  Then asked her if she thought we could make orange.  We put some cool whip (you could also use shaving cream or white icing) in a bag and I tried to get her to predict which two colors we could add to make orange. At first she didn’t get it but by the time we did the last one. She even guessed that blue and yellow would make green.  After making our prediction (one at a time) we added our food coloring and then I let her smash the bag and mix up the colors.   We then recorded our results.  She LOVED this!  She was so excited when it first made orange!  We also made purple (red + blue) and green (blue + yellow).  She was so into this the first couple times I decided to do a video.  Excuse the poor quality!

Number 3:
-Counted out groups of 3
She really started recognizing groups of 3 without even actually counting them out.  For example, when we were cooking I had three measuring cups out and she looked at them and said, “You need 3 of those?” 
Fine Motor:
Made “Snakes” with play-doh
Snacks: cupcakes and carrots
She tried helping with the icing then said "Mommy I think I'm better at the sprinkles!"
Planned on doing candy corn cookies but didn’t get it in!  Maybe during our review week J

Reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar on our Camo sleeping bag
Books we read this week


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rejoicing in My Inconveniences

This is our third week of our GMG Colossians study.  Here's a little of what I've learned this week:

Paul didn’t just witness and help the Gentiles.

He suffered in order to witness and help the Gentiles.

He didn’t just suffer but he rejoiced in those sufferings because he knew they were for a greater cause.  He knew he was making the way a little easier for them.

In the first chapter of Colossians he says:

“…whereof I Paul am made a minister; Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you,…” Col 1:23-24


While Paul said:

I consider it an honor to be in prison if it means that you might have heard the gospel.

I’m gladly surrendering ALL my life and freedom so that you can experience freedom through Christ.

I don’t care what others think or even do to me.  My duty is to fulfill and spread God’s Word.

I say:

I could talk to this stranger about Jesus… but they may think I’m crazy.

I might go visit a shut-in…but then I’d have to take two little kids with me and that would be such a hassle.

I should cook a meal for a family that’s had a rough week…but that would take more time than I have.

It’s not always easy spreading the gospel or showing someone the love of Christ.  It may take my time or I may even receive a little ridicule from someone.  However, I’m not anywhere close to suffering. 
Paul rejoiced in his sufferings while I complain about my inconveniences.

In his letter to Philippi Paul said:

“…let each esteem other better than themselves.  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” (Philipians 2:3-4)

Paul didn’t just talk it he walked it.  He was truly able to set aside his own wants for the needs of others.  He had compassion, love, and a strong desire for them to have what he had found- a savior and a friend.  He rejoiced in his sufferings for them.  I’ve really learned something from Paul this week.  Stop viewing opportunities as inconveniences.   Stop complaining and making excuses and start rejoicing and sharing the love of Christ. 

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