Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanks Living

Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.  ~W.T. Purkiser

       I've been blessed beyond measure.  I could start thanking God for my blessings now and still not be done by the end of Thanksgiving Day.  But with all those blessings comes great responsibility.  What if God looked not at what you're saying today but the way you are living and using the blessings He's given you?  Would He truly know how thankful you are or would He see someone who's taken what He's given for granted?

"...For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required..." Luke 12:48
        God wants us to be thankful but I believe even more than just hearing us say it he wants us to use our blessings for His glory!  I started thinking about some of my greatest blessings and the responsibilities that come along with them.
I'm thankful for..
  1. My relationship with Christ and the plan of salvation.
  2. My beautiful daughter who turns two this Thanksgiving.
  3. My wonderful husband who sees the worst of me and loves me anyway!  Who also makes daily sacrifices so that I can live out my dream of being a stay-at-home Mom.
  4. The rest of my family, my church family and SO many wonderful Christian friends!
  5. All my "needs"- a roof over my head, clothes on my back, shoes on my feet, food on our table, good health.
          God wants us to be thankful but I believe even more than just hearing us say it he wants us to use our blessings for His glory!  I started thinking about some of my greatest blessings and the responsibilities that come along with them.

I want to live out my thanks by...
  1. Walking daily with Him.  I want to listen and obey His voice and become His hands and feet on this Earth.  I want others to see Him in me and want this personal relationship too!
  2. Showing "Miss Priss" an example of a Godly woman, a supportive wife, and a loving Mother so that she too will one day have a relationship with Christ and can also be those things.
  3. Be more grateful and supportive to my husband.  Let him know how much I love and appreciate him instead of taking him for granted!
  4. Keep in contact with family and friends!  They're always there for me I want to be there for them too!  Random acts of kindness, phone calls, text messages, visits, etc. just to let them know I'm here and praying for them!
  5. Keep the house clean and do all I can to create a peaceful environment.  Wash those clothes and cook the food with love, sharing with any that need it.  Take care of myself and treat my body as what it is a temple where Jesus dwells.
          I could go on and on.. but I think you get the point.  Even in those little blessings and in the trials I believe God gives them to us for a reason -maybe to use as a "teachable moment" for us or others involved (yes, someone is always watching your reaction) or maybe to share with someone to help life them up or through a difficult time.

         So don't make this just about one day-turn your Thanksgiving into Thanks Living and show how truly grateful you are!


  1. I'm all about living out my thanks--I feel so thankful for all He has blessed me with and realize my actions daily display my thanks and spread His light--working daily toward this goal. Happy Thanksgiving to you!

  2. What a great reminder to live our lives as one giant thanksgiving to the Lord rather than just celebrate the holiday once a year.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours just the same!

  3. Hope you both had a great Thanksgiving and thanks for the comments!
