"For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole fmaily in heaven and earth is named, That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man; That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, May be able to comprehend with all saints what is the breadth, and length, and depth, and height; And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God." Ephesians 3:14-19
As we continue in Ephesians, I am more amazed with every verse at Paul’s love and concern for the church. I love what he is praying here. He’s asking God to let his fellow brothers and sisters truly comprehend God’s love. A love that has no limits – it is unconditional, boundless, powerful, pure, sacrificial, and inseparable-just to describe it in a few words. A love that Francis Chan describes as “crazy” and I’m quite sure that if we truly loved like Jesus in today’s world that’s exactly what we’d be called-crazy! I wonder how many of us truly “get” it or even try to understand it? I’ve wondered if I truly understand it.
I think Paul did, as much as this mortal body can anyway. Here he was imprisoned yet saying “Don’t worry about me. Don’t become discouraged because of what’s happened to me.” Instead of praying for himself or drowning in self pity he was praying for the “inner man” of his fellow brothers and sisters. It’s too much for this selfish outer man to understand. In verse 19 Paul says “it passeth knowledge.” It doesn’t make sense to this outer flesh. That’s where the Holy Spirit comes in.
I think Paul did, as much as this mortal body can anyway. Here he was imprisoned yet saying “Don’t worry about me. Don’t become discouraged because of what’s happened to me.” Instead of praying for himself or drowning in self pity he was praying for the “inner man” of his fellow brothers and sisters. It’s too much for this selfish outer man to understand. In verse 19 Paul says “it passeth knowledge.” It doesn’t make sense to this outer flesh. That’s where the Holy Spirit comes in.
So why would Paul even be praying for them to comprehend God’s love? I think he wanted his brothers and sisters in Christ to understand God’s love so that they could show His love. If we’re a Christian, that pure, unconditional love is in us because God is in us. We’re filled with it but do we allow it work in us and to show forth in our lives? Loving each other isn’t simply a request from God it’s a commandment.
“This I my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.” John 15:12 (emphasis added).
That’s some serious love and when we begin to even slightly comprehend that love then we can understand the love we should show to one another. Still not convinced he literally means love like Jesus?
“Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren.” 1 John 3:16
Love involves sacrifice. Love involves action. One of my personal favorite verses on love is:
“My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth.” 1 John 3:18.
In some ways I think God slowly reveals it to us – as much as we can handle at one time. For example, has someone ever tried to teach you something just by telling you and you think you get it. However, once you really start practicing and doing it on your own then you start to fully comprehend it. I’ve always learned more by doing than hearing. I think that’s how God’s love is. We can read our Bibles all day and even memorize it; however, the more we experience and exercise his love and trust in Him then the more he fills us with a greater understanding of His love.
It’s not always easy to love others, just to be honest, some try to make it difficult. But have you ever stopped to think that’s the ones that may just need God’s love the most? How about those times you neglected to put God first until something came up then you hit your knees? Did God say “Sorry you’ve not put me first even after I’ve told you time and time again-even after I’ve already helped you out of this same circumstance?” No, he didn’t. Instead, God was still there right where you left him and once you were back in his grace you felt even more loved and closer to Him. Maybe that’s why Paul understood God’s love better than others. God’s love had reached him when he was about as low as someone could get. When you don’t feel others are being “fair” to you or treating you like you want to be treated then that’s when God’s love can shine the brightest. Do you we get that?
What if you loved like Jesus in your relationships? What if …
Ø We loved our spouses like Christ loved us?
Ø We loved our brothers and sisters in Christ like He loves us?
Ø We loved our children like God loves us?
Ø We didn’t wear our feelings on our sleeves or “puff up” when things didn’t go our way but instead expected and willingly gave more than we received from our relationships.
Ø We didn’t judge or criticize but prayed more for the “inner being”.
Ø Instead of giving up on each other, we gave more of ourselves.
What if we really started to comprehend God’s love and to do what the Bible says-show it!!
Novel idea huh?
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