"Lo, children are an heritage of the Lord: and the fruit of the womb is his reward."
Psalm 127:3
Our precious baby girl was born a week ago today. She truly is a gift sent straight from God to be in our lives. I've thought about the above scripture a million times over the past week.
Her•i•tage-(noun) property that can be inherited or passed down; a gift.
When you think about a heritage it is something usually of great value and meant to be passed down from generation to generation. God knew her before we even thought about her (Jeremiah 1:5). When I think about the fact that He looked down and saw fit to pass her down to us even for a season I feel so humbled. However, He has also given us a responsibility and that is to teach her His word and His way so that it can be passed from generation to generation. His plan from the beginning of time wasn't for us to build up a nice college fund for her or even to provide her with a huge house but to keep His Word on our hearts and teach it to her diligently. (Deuteronomy 6:6-9)
I think today's "society" has underrated the role of motherhood today. It's seen as a "second job" or something you do on the side. However, to me it is the most important job I'll ever have and because of that it is a priority in my life. The impact I have on my children is one of if not the only thing that will last an eternity. What I teach and show them will be carried on through them and through their children and so on. What an impact Moms really make!
So while I look into those newborn eyes I know I'll make mistakes, but I'm thankful for the plan God has laid forth. I'm thankful for his grace, mercy and forgiveness that will be there as I need it. I'm thankful He chose me to be their Mom. I'm thankful for those moments when "Miss Priss" is whining,"Sunshine" is crying, the dog is barking, phone is ringing, and someone is knocking at the door (yes, we've already had those) and He whispers sweet peace to me amidst all the chaos! He lets me know that my "job" is the most important one I'll ever have and that since this is His plan He'll equip me with whatever I need!
So I just want to give a word of encouragement to all of you Moms out there! You're doing a great work, day by day. You're shaping a soul that will have an eternal impact! You have been blessed with a heritage and that heritage will be passed from generation to generation. God has placed this precious child in your hands to mold and shape. I want to leave you with two of my favorite quotes from a book study I'm doing right now The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson:
No matter what you do in other areas of your life, when you have a child it is a calling of God. A calling to use your intelligence and skills and your mind and your heart and your time in such a way you have the privilege of shaping children whose souls will last an eternity.
I have come to believe that being a mother encompasses all that is best within me. To embrace the mission of motherhood requires that I understand God and his design for life and can relate deep theological issues to the everyday minutes of my life. It requires that I become a mature counselor, ready at any moment to make decisions judiciously. It also requires that I develop skills in hospitality, nursing, intellectual prowess, diplomacy, leadership training, and more, and that I stretch my creativity to the max.For more on this book study check out Mom Heart.
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Congratulations on your newest little blessing! Thank you for your encouraging words on motherhood. I love your quotes!
ReplyDeleteThank You Kathy!