Sunday, September 23, 2012

Tot School Returns-This time with a Curriculum

So I realize this is my first blog on it (Sorry!) but we're actually on our 5th week of Tot School!! 

For those of you who may not know, Tot School to us is basically just a way to hold myself accountable for spending some time with "Miss Priss" each day and teaching her some of the "basics."

This year we are using a curriculum.  I use the word curriculum just as I use Tot School - very loosely!  Nothing is forced or set in stone but funcitons more as a guide for us.  I love doing Tot School with "Miss Priss" and she loves it even more! (Did I mention it's usually the first thing she asks to do when she gets up in the morning?)  What I don't always enjoy is all the planning that goes into the lessons.  Especially with me doing everything from "scratch" last year it was taking alot of my time. This year I knew I was going to have even less time since we also have a 5 month old now! (And boy was I right; thus our fifth week of Tot School and I'm just now blogging that we have this curriculum!)  

So while I do think Tot School and spending time with "Miss Priss" is VERY important I wanted something I could at least use as a guide then add what I wanted to it according to our needs and time!

After searching and reading about many curriculums online, I finally decided on ABC Jesus Loves Me.  I started looking for a curriculum to use at the end of last school year and looked off and on all summer going back and forth between two or three.  Then one day I stumbled across her schedule on ABC Jesus Loves Me and realized it already fit my own schedule almost exactly!  Then I found a link to her blog, Our Out -of-Sync Life and while I was doing my God First Challenge she was doing her on series on scheduling your time to align with your priorities! A lady after my own heart!  The more I read the more I loved so I purchased the curriculum that day.

Here are a few reasons why I chose this one:

1.  It includes Bible lessons and scripture memorization.

2. It is flexible and incorporated throughout our day.  This works well with my schedule and "Miss Priss'" attention span! 

3.  There are several options for you to pick and choose.  You can do as little or as much as your time allows.

4.  There's a built in review week every fourth week to cover anything you may have missed, didn't have time for or just need to work on more.

5.  While letters are introduced and covered, writing in the 3 year old curriculum is not a primary concern. There are several tactile letter activities which is exactly what I wanted for her at this point.

6.  While you can (and I did) order everything already printed out (saved me more time!) it's also all FREE!

7. Includes great selections, ideas and incorporations with the books of the week.

8.  They have a wonderful support group which includes a facebook page, forum, and other bloggers for you to find even more ideas and help if you need it.

That's just a few reasons why we are loving this curriculum.  "Miss Priss" is also loving it too.  Hopefully, in the next few days I will show you some things we've been doing in these first few weeks!

Do you have a curriculum you use with your preschooler? Please share!

In case you are considering a "curriculum" for your little one  here are a few more I thought were great and considered:

Brightly Beaming Resources (Free)
Letter of the Week by Confessions of a Homeschooler (Free)
Hubbard's Cupboard (Free)

Hands on Homeschooling
Little Hands to Heaven (Heart of Dakota)

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