Thursday, November 15, 2012

Thirsty Thursdays: Friend Ships

Last year during our revival the evangelist mentioned that if he would walk into a public place and shoot 5 people that would make the news; however, if 5 souls were saved and gained eternal life, that certainly would not be making the news. It hit me then-it's sad but true -the bad news is reported FAR more than the good.

While there is plenty of bad news, there's also plenty of good. God is still doing extraordinary things through ordinary people. He's not just a God present in the Bible but he's present in our lives today. I have been greatly inspired and encouraged by some of the "stories" I've heard lately. I have wanted to start a new feature on my blog for quite some time sharing these stories and incredible people with you. I feel that now more than ever we are thirsty for some good news! It's my prayer that you will be encouraged, inspired and refreshed...

As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country." Proverbs 25:25

About 6 or 7 years ago, I went with a church group in Lake Charles, Louisiana to "tour" Friend Ships.  I walked onto a massive ship and saw a full blown mission field.  Lots of people volunteering, not just for an afternoon, but for a year or even a lifetime. They had completely given their lives to help those in need.  They were living day by day depending on God for their next meal and anything else they needed.  It was there on one of these ships that it first hit me.  The Bible is God's Living Word.  He didn't just expect people in the Old and New Testament to completely give their lives to Him but He expects it of us today.  And what's even more is that when we fully trust Him He provides.  Don and Sondra Tipton are living proof...

Port Mercy in Lake Charles, LA where we toured

Don and Sandra Tipton were the owners of a Polo and Hunting Club. As they began to study deeper and deeper into God's Word they became more and more concerned. They were watching the rich literally throw money away and become richer while others were starving and homeless. In the book Jesus and Company they talk about the struggle and change that took place in their lives:

We had a simple thought-not really understanding at the time that the Holy Spirit sometimes puts thoughts into our mind. What if we take from this land of plenty what it doesn't want, what it is spending millions of dollars on each year to burn and bury? What if we take the crumbs from the tables of the wealthy and share them with our brothers and sisters and children who are poor and starving? If there truly is a need -and there is-if we are our brother's keeper and it is our job to help the poor, the widows, the orphans and those in need, if the Lord is the great provider, and if we were willing and said,"Here we are, Lord send us," would he really supply? If someone was willing to love this children in need, if someone did it for the glory of God, would the Lord turn his face from them?...
We began to realize that knowledge of the Word without putting it to the test is only knowledge, that it's easy to say we believe and trust God; the hard part would be putting our faith to work...We knew this would take trust, complete trust. We would have to give up the business, our only means of support. We would be totally dependent on the Lord to provide our food, our clothing, our everything"
So with only $38 in an account and knowing nothing about the sea or ships Don and Sandra felt God was calling them to buy a ship. They started looking knowing they didn't have the finances to purchase one. When God works he works big! They ended up being GIVEN a massive seven story ship. It needed a lot of work and parts but God provided it all for them.

Fast forward a few years and several miracles later...They now have not just one ship but 5 ships!  Hundreds of millions of dollars worth of goods have been delivered around the world to those in need. Medical care has also been provided to those in need. A Friendships village has been established in Honduras. Check out their October newsletter just to see some of the things accomplished last month.  All of this not because two people had a lot of money to give or even a lot of knowledge but simply because they were willing.

For more information on Friendships check out their website or FB page.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Tot School: Thanksgiving

I know I’m WAY behind on my Tot School posts (and Tot School in general for that matter).  We’ve really just been enjoying fall and doing several fall activities.  I thought I’d share a few with you:

We’ve made cinnamon play-dough using this recipe.  I added some popsicle sticks with turkey faces and we’ve been making turkeys.  We’ve had a play-dough Thanksgiving feast.  And even a birthday party in expectation of “Miss Priss’” birthday coming up soon.

I made a giant book “Turkey, Turkey What Do You See” book and a Pilgrim Turkey color matching flip book from patterns at Childcare Land.  I couldn't find it anymore under the free patterns but they do have lots of other cute stuff like a turkey playdough mat.
We’ve had picnics:

We’ve made huge leaf piles and spent literally hours jumping in them:

As a family we’ve been working on our chain of thankfulness.  This idea came from here.  Just as she did we started off at the beginning of the month reading “Let’s Be Thankful” by PK Hallinan and talking about all the things – big and small- he was thankful for in the book.  Then we (my husband, Miss Priss and I) all wrote down something we were thankful for on a strip of paper.  Now each night after supper we read a verse(s) from the Bible using this calendar and then we each add a strip.  At the end of the month we’re going to use our chain to decorate the Christmas tree in the basement along with ornaments from Truth in The Tinsel.  It was such a blessing as we sat down to do it night before last and “Miss Priss” already had her Bible and was sitting at the table.  She opened it as though she were reading and said “Chapter 21 – God’s been good to us today!” 
"Miss Priss" holding up our Chain of Thanks
I’ve also personally been doing the FB Days of Thankfulness.  I didn’t do it last year because I thought, "You’re supposed to be thankful everyday not just everyday in November!"  However, I must say I’ve really enjoyed doing it. It’s made me even more intentional about being thankful.  It's also been uplifting to read everyone else's blessings!  And it really is true:  
“For when I am thankful it’s easy to see, I tend to spend life living more joyfully.” 
PK Hallinan, Let’s Be Thankful

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Thirsty Thursday: Rooted in Love

Last year during our revival the evangelist mentioned that if he would walk into a public place and shoot 5 people that would make the news; however, if 5 souls were saved and gained eternal life, that certainly would not be making the news. It hit me then-it's sad but true -the bad news is reported FAR more than the good.

While there is plenty of bad news, there's also plenty of good. God is still doing extraordinary things through ordinary people. He's not just a God present in the Bible but he's present in our lives today. I have been greatly inspired and encouraged by some of the "stories" I've heard lately. I have wanted to start a new feature on my blog for quite some time sharing these stories and incredible people with you. I feel that now more than ever we are thirsty for some good news! It's my prayer that you will be encouraged, inspired and refreshed...
As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country." Proverbs 25:25

Today's good news is Rooted in Love.  Rooted in love was started by Laura Swann. Laura answered a call to adopt and in doing so is completely transforming lives across the world!

Wanting to raise money for her adoption, Laura did a fundraiser selling products handmade by women in other countries. These women have a wonderful skill but no place to market their work. That's where Laura comes in. After doing the fundraiser she felt God calling her to do it as a ministry. She now does home parties, craft shows and other events selling these beautiful items. She not only helps to market and sell these items but she shares the stories of these women and prays for them!

Some of Her partners are:

Back to Africa-jewelry handcrafted in Uganda and Africa

I have this necklace in turquoise -LOVE!!

Connected in Hope-scarves handcrafted in Ethiopia

Tukula-bags made in Uganda

Ergon Handicrafts-stationary handcrafted in India

What I love most about Rooted in Love and it's partners is that they are enabling these women to provide for themselves and make a better life for their children-not just giving them a one time handout.
I'm amazed that God is using someone in the same county as me to make such an impact around the world. And better yet that I can be a small part of it by purchasing something beautiful and original! I've purchased a scarf, bag, and a couple pieces of jewelry and I love it all! I get compliments each time I wear them which also gives me a chance to share these ladies stories and to talk about how God can work!

How would you like to give unique, meaningful Christmas gifts while helping to eliminate poverty and educate a child?  It's a win/win situation and definitely good news worth sharing!

Laura does a much better job telling her story than I do so check out her blog and like her Facebook page!
She even has photo albums on her Facebook page with items sorted by price. Super cute things from $5 on up!

Also, if you're local you can check her out at the Coffee Well in Gadsden on November 10th!

Do you have any good news to share?
As cold waters to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country." Proverbs 25:25

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sometimes It's Not the Circumstances that Change...

I have been praying for our country and this election for quite sometime. I prayed almost continuously yesterday. Then around noon a peace came over me. God reminded me that this world was going to grow worse and worse but he also reminded me my hope was not in this world. My hope for the future and for my children do not lie in our president or even our country. My hope lies in a risen Savior.  

So as Mike Huckabee said so well "We don't stop believing what we believe.  We do a better job of doing what we're supposed to do."

So as for me and my house we will continue to serve the Lord.  We will continue to love our country and honor those that have fought so hard to give us all the freedoms we have today.  We will continue to believe and teach our girls marriage is only between a man and a woman. We will continue to respect and cherish the lives and rights of others, especially the unborn.  We will continue to work hard and support ourselves. We will continue to pray for our country and our president.  We will continue to put God first and others second.  If anything even more so now.

The storm is still raging around me but I've found peace. Things didn't go as I hoped but my focus of hope has shifted off my circumstance and onto Christ where it always should be anyway!  

"Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm.". ~Anonymos 

Are you thirsty for some good news? (Proverbs 25:25)   Make sure and read tomorrow!