Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Sometimes It's Not the Circumstances that Change...

I have been praying for our country and this election for quite sometime. I prayed almost continuously yesterday. Then around noon a peace came over me. God reminded me that this world was going to grow worse and worse but he also reminded me my hope was not in this world. My hope for the future and for my children do not lie in our president or even our country. My hope lies in a risen Savior.  

So as Mike Huckabee said so well "We don't stop believing what we believe.  We do a better job of doing what we're supposed to do."

So as for me and my house we will continue to serve the Lord.  We will continue to love our country and honor those that have fought so hard to give us all the freedoms we have today.  We will continue to believe and teach our girls marriage is only between a man and a woman. We will continue to respect and cherish the lives and rights of others, especially the unborn.  We will continue to work hard and support ourselves. We will continue to pray for our country and our president.  We will continue to put God first and others second.  If anything even more so now.

The storm is still raging around me but I've found peace. Things didn't go as I hoped but my focus of hope has shifted off my circumstance and onto Christ where it always should be anyway!  

"Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm.". ~Anonymos 

Are you thirsty for some good news? (Proverbs 25:25)   Make sure and read tomorrow!

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