Friday, December 30, 2016

Redeemed: HIStory for My Life

"But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.  And because ye are sons, God hath sent forth the Spirit of his Son, into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father.  Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ."  Galatians 4:4-7

God has written a story, not some fictional fairy tale, but a real-life account.  It started long ago before we were born, before the world even existed.  It's a story of redemption.  A story that includes Adam, Moses, Ruth, David, Jesus, Paul, Constantine, Billy Graham, Jim and Elizabeth Elliott and now you and me. 
God's plan of redemption is perfect and it's for everyone.  Once we are redeemed, nothing can pluck us from the palm of His hand.  He has freed us from sin.  Yet, we are still living in a sin filled world.  A world that makes it so easy to fall back into bondage.  We can be redeemed yet so shackled by daily burdens and sin we can't enjoy the life God has in store for us.  Have you ever seen a fish trying to swim against the current?  That's how I feel I am sometimes.  He has set me free from sin and has this wonderful plan for my life, yet I get distracted, see something flashy in the other direction and off I go against the flow-against His will-and it's nothing but a struggle!   I'm living as a servant not an heir!
"It does a man no good to be free until he knows how to live, how to walk in step with God."  Amos Fortune:  A Free Man  by Elizabeth Yates
Life can be an against the flow struggle or it can be a joy filled, peaceful adventure alongside Him!  To better understand our place in His story, we need a clear picture of redemption.  What does it mean to be redeemed?  Why is redemption necessary?  What does a redeemed life look like?  What is hindering us from being free to live the life God has called us to live? What is God's plan for the redeemed now and in the future?  My GMG group is about to begin the study, Redeemed:  HIStory for My Life where we'll look at these questions and more.  The study will be six weeks long and will be broken down like this:


Week One-Past:  God's Plan from the Beginning
Week Two-Past:  Children of Israel
Week Three-Present:  Living Free
Week Four-Present:  Let the Redeemed Say So!
Week Five-Future:  The Best is Yet to Come
Week Six-Reflection


We'll be starting Monday, January 2 and would love for you to join us!  It will be like our One Thing is Needful study.  You have two options with the study. You can print out the first page and use it along with a notebook to SOAP; or you can print out all the pages and stick them in a binder for a complete journal to use. 
Each week contains the following:
  1. Bible Memory Verse
  2. Weekly Challenge
  3. Five days of scripture, along with SOAP pages if you choose to use them.  
  4. A blog post to go along with each week to keep us accountable (OK-mainly to keep me accountable).

If you'd like to join us for this study, here's what you need to do:
  • Just comment below with your e-mail and I'll send you the file containing the Reading plan and SOAP journal. 
  • One you receive the email, print out your choice of either the one page Quick Sheet and grab a notebook to write out your SOAPS; or go ahead and print out all the pages to write out your SOAPS.  Just depends on how much ink and paper you want to use!  I love to print mine out and put in a three ring binder.
  • Grab an accountability partner.  I LOVE my GMG group.  We check in with each other everyday on FB.  Sometimes it's a long post sharing what God has revealed, other times it's  "Good Morning girls, I read the scripture today!"  So whether you want to send a text, email, call or do it via Facebook find a friend(s) to hold you accountable!  If you don't have anyone else, then feel free to check in here each week at my blog.  I'd love to hear from you!

The past has been written.  The future has been written.  But our role in His plan depends upon us.  Our chapter in His story is being written day by day.  It's up to us to choose the incredible journey He has ahead of us as one of the redeemed.  How sad it would be to get to the end and realize we'd missed the best part- HIS story for our life. 


  1. I would love to have your study. Thank you for sharing. My email is ��

  2. I would like to join you in your study. My email is Thanks Anna!

    1. You're welcome! Looking forward to you joining us!

  3. I would love to be included! My e-mail is
    Thank you Anna!

  4. I would like to be included, please! My email is: Thank you!!!!! I'm contacting a friend now to see if she'll be an accountability partner.

    1. Sent and you're so welcome! Praying that both you and your friend have a blessed New Year!!

  5. I would love to join in :) my email is
