Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Rejoicing in My Inconveniences

This is our third week of our GMG Colossians study.  Here's a little of what I've learned this week:

Paul didn’t just witness and help the Gentiles.

He suffered in order to witness and help the Gentiles.

He didn’t just suffer but he rejoiced in those sufferings because he knew they were for a greater cause.  He knew he was making the way a little easier for them.

In the first chapter of Colossians he says:

“…whereof I Paul am made a minister; Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you,…” Col 1:23-24


While Paul said:

I consider it an honor to be in prison if it means that you might have heard the gospel.

I’m gladly surrendering ALL my life and freedom so that you can experience freedom through Christ.

I don’t care what others think or even do to me.  My duty is to fulfill and spread God’s Word.

I say:

I could talk to this stranger about Jesus… but they may think I’m crazy.

I might go visit a shut-in…but then I’d have to take two little kids with me and that would be such a hassle.

I should cook a meal for a family that’s had a rough week…but that would take more time than I have.

It’s not always easy spreading the gospel or showing someone the love of Christ.  It may take my time or I may even receive a little ridicule from someone.  However, I’m not anywhere close to suffering. 
Paul rejoiced in his sufferings while I complain about my inconveniences.

In his letter to Philippi Paul said:

“…let each esteem other better than themselves.  Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others.” (Philipians 2:3-4)

Paul didn’t just talk it he walked it.  He was truly able to set aside his own wants for the needs of others.  He had compassion, love, and a strong desire for them to have what he had found- a savior and a friend.  He rejoiced in his sufferings for them.  I’ve really learned something from Paul this week.  Stop viewing opportunities as inconveniences.   Stop complaining and making excuses and start rejoicing and sharing the love of Christ. 

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent and convicting! It is really easy for me to justify not doing something for someone because its not something I enjoy, like cooking. So I let opportunities pass by because I don't have "time" . :/
    Found your post via Good Morning Girls blog.
