Sunday, February 7, 2016

One Thing is Needful: Week Six - Home

This weekend I was able to have my GMG group over to paint some "One Thing is Needful" signs to put in our homes as a reminder.  There was no better way to wrap up friend week and begin this week on our home!  I am truly so blessed to have these ladies in my life.  They even completely surprised me by bringing gifts! 

I can't believe we are on the last few weeks of this Bible study!  This week we are looking at how sitting at his feet will impact our home...

My first thoughts of my own house were when I was around 12 or 14.  I went with my Dad to look at some land he and my Granddad were considering purchasing.  I got out of the truck and I remember thinking "This would be the prettiest spot for a house!"  I decided right then that I wanted a yellow house with a porch all the way across it built there.  (I'm telling you, I've always been a planner!) 

Fast forward 15 years later and we were about a month away from having our first child and we started building our yellow house right in that same spot!  I'm not sure what we were thinking building a house at the same time we were welcoming a child into the world but somehow we managed!  (Side note:  I actually think it was a blessing in disguise because I was busy preparing for the baby and my husband was building the house so it kept us from arguing about all the little details!)  When our daughter was about 6 months old we moved into the house.  I remember being so relieved that it was built and done!  All those years of dreaming were becoming a reality!  What I didn't realize at the time was that the hard part was only beginning.  The house was built, now it was time to build our home. 

In this verse, I see two things needed to build a good home:  wisdom and then action.  First of all, to build a good house you need to be a wise woman.  Where do we get wisdom? 
"For the Lord giveth wisdom:  out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding."  Proverbs 2:5-6   
"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom:  and the knowledge of the holy is understanding."  Probers 9:10 

"If any lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him."  James 1:5

From sitting at His feet, of course!  Just like in all other areas of our lives, our relationship with God is key to building a good home.  It begins with a fearful respect of Him.   All the characteristics of wisdom will follow after the fear of God.  All we have to do is ask, then listen and discern through prayer and His Word. 

Then comes the time and work we must put into building our home.  My mind goes to the story of the 3 Little Pigs.  I know we all know the story - The first little pig was in a hurry and built a house of straw quickly and then spent the rest of his time playing and relaxing.  The second little pig also hurried and used only sticks.  Then he used the rest of his time to play and relax.  However, the third little pig used the best building material, bricks, and took some extra time and did it right.  When the big, bad wolf came and huffed and puffed - the first two houses fell.  However, the one that was carefully constructed using the best materials, time and effort- stood firm!  The first two little pigs were quite foolish, the third little pig had wisdom. 

Once we've sought God's wisdom we have the best material.  Now it's the time and work from our very own hands that will determine whether we have a strong home that will withstand outside pressures. 

We live in a world where there's not much time even spent at home, much less quality time.  If we're going to build a home that will withstand the true challenges and Satan himself, then first of all we have to BE at home.  Then secondly, it's going to take some intentional planning and effort on our part while we are there.  It's in the everyday routines, traditions, and celebrations that a home is built. 

I could be like the first two little pigs and allow the television or tech devices to constantly entertain my children, or I could be like the third little pig and spend some time teaching them God's word, reading, or playing games with them.   I could be like the first two little pigs and pick up supper through the drive thru eating it in the car.  Or I could be like that third little pig and put some effort into preparing supper for my family and sitting around the kitchen table.  I could be like the first two little pigs and casually let a special occasion pass by or I could be like that third little pig and create some family traditions that my children will remember and possibly even carry on to the next generations. 

We may be able to get away with shortcuts for awhile, but it will eventually cost us.  Satan will eventually come by and our house of straw and sticks won't be any match for him.  Before we know it we won't even know our spouses anymore.  Our children will be disconnected from us, preferring to be anywhere but home.  Then it will hit us we trained and conditioned them to do just that. 

That's a scary picture but exactly what we see in most houses today.  Instead of a wise women building homes we see more  foolish women tearing them down.  I desire more for my family.  I want our home to be a place where we experience time together.  Where they feel loved and cared for at all times.  I want my family to find everything they need within our home to prepare them for whatever they may face when they go out.   Then I want it to be a place they look forward to returning. 

As we sit at His feet this week, seek wisdom and guidance.  Then as we go throughout the day choose the good part and put that wisdom to use with our own hands!  Whether it's using a calmer voice, playing music, lighting a candle, diffusing oils, or opening up your home to other guests; let's use this week to be more intentional in building our homes, not tearing them down.  Let's be that third little pig and make building strong homes a priority!

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