Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Evaluating My Priorities

              Usually when I sit down to write a blog, it’s something I’m excited about, feel strongly about or it’s heavy on my heart.  This one I’ve been putting off for a couple of weeks debating on whether or not to even write it.  It’s not always easy looking back at your goals and reevaluating how you’re living your life but I do think it’s necessary!  This entry is probably only for me but here goes…
               It’s been a little over 3 months since I started this blog.  3 months since I laid out my priorities and decided to simplify my life to live according to my priorities.  I’ve looked back over the past 3 months and part of me is proud to see how far I’ve come in some areas and overall simplifying the things in my life.  On the other hand, I still see LOTS of room for improvement!  I made me a “Priority Report Card”.  Here it is:

                Let me just say had I of come home with this report card in school I would’ve been grounded!! On the other hand, had I of done a report card when I started this blog, I do believe you’d be able to see some improvement.  Here’s my explanation of grades:
1.        First Priority:  God
                    I planned on “living this one out” by putting God first in my day where He belongs.  I think I’ve succeeded in that only missing 1 or 2 days, largely thanks to my GMG group.  That’s the only reason I’ve given myself a C-. 
                    I’ve realized just recently how very little that is.  God does want first place in our lives.  He wants us to spend time with Him in prayer and in his Word, but that’s only part of it.  He also wants us to love our neighbors as ourselves.  He dwells within us and we are His hands and feet.  We look around and see the shape our world is in and criticize political leaders, anti-Christs, past generations, etc. when in my opinion we only have one person to blame.  If Jesus dwells within us and we are seeing him less and less in the world then whose fault is it? – ours, more specifically, mine.  I want to be more aware and look for ways to show God’s love to all of those around me.

2.       Second Priority:  Family 
                  My plan on “living out” this priority was Tuesday Family Night and Tot School.  We’ve only had about 2 Tuesday Family Nights and I haven’t done Tot School in a month!  So why do I get a B? 
                  One morning I was feeling especially guilty about not doing Tot School and then Joyful Mothering reposted a blog, “Embrace Today’s Moments.”  I realized that was exactly what we had been doing.  After all isn’t that what simplifying is all about?  For several weeks (during that 1st trimester) I didn’t really feel like playing with “Miss Priss” but once I did that’s all I’ve wanted to do!  Maybe we haven’t done our “allotted activity” at the “scheduled time” but we have enjoyed spending time with each other in the little and big moments.  We’ve played in the leaves, took several walks to feed the ducks or the cows, read books, colored,  saw Sesame Street Live!,  went to the apple orchard and pumpkin patch (twice),  and just last weekend celebrated her second birthday.  That’s why I gave myself a B.   Not an A because I do feel we still need to improve on spending time just the 3(or 4) of us.

3.       3rd Priority:  Friends/Community
                    Visiting on Thursdays has been awesome!  Thursday has become one of my favorite days!   This has helped not only on Thursday but in keeping up with my friends and church family throughout the week to help me decide who I need/want to visit come Thursday.   Community, on the other hand, still needs some work. Unfortunately, Our Father’s House did not work out .  We live in a very small community and I do not attend church in the community so it seemsa little harder for me to reach out within the community – but not impossible!

4.       4th Priority:  Home
                Well…this is my fourth priority so it has gotten shoved to the backburner a bit to make room for the top 3.  My cleaning schedule was great at first.  It really worked for me – I just need to get back on track!  I’ve pretty much just been average (or maybe even a little below) at taking care of our house as far as cleaning.  However, as far as our home, it overall has been a better environment than before.  Simplifying eliminates stress which results in a more peaceful home environment!  I’ve learned that when I do start feeling overwhelmed to light a candle, turn on some music, make a list and tackle it one item at a time! Some things CAN wait!

5.       5th Priority:  Health
                This one I just flat-out failed!  L My excuse the first couple of months was the fact I was in my first trimester.  Any free time I had I wanted to sleep -not exercise!  Now my excuse is all the extra fall/holiday activities.  Hopefully, by the new year I’ll be able to develop some kind of walking routine.  The slight improvement has come in that I have been eating a little better –mainly for the baby’s sake not mine though ;)

          So how would your report card look if you “graded” your life according to your priorities?  What are your strengths? What still needs improvement?  What do you need to simplify?  Any tips for me?  Please share J

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