Saturday, December 31, 2011

All Year Resolutions

"I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year's.  ~Henry Moore

It's that time of year again when we reflect on last year and make our New Year's resolutions.  I started in 1997 writing down important events/dates that happened in the previous year and then making my resolutions for the upcoming year.  Then the next year I'd put a check or minus as to whether I'd kept the resolution and do it all again.

I did that up until about the last 2-3 years when I realized I had alot of minuses and the same resolutions!  You know the ones - grow closer to God, be a better friend/wife, get in shape, etc.

At that time I started making specific All Year Resolutions!  I'd write down a resolution for each month.  Then at the beginning of every month I'd review them and start fresh.  So, yes, I still had some that I didn't keep but I found I kept more this way than making them all at the first of the year then forgetting them by the second week!

So this year, I've looked at my priorities and made most of my resolutions.  (When doing AYR it's also OK to change/add to them as you go throughout the year!)  For example, here's my January ones:

  1. Host a couples' Bible study at our home - My husband and I have been talking about this for about a month now.  Nothing fancy - just a few couples, Bible study, and maybe some coffee. :)
  2. Spend less time online - I'm doing this by totally staying off of Facebook for the first couple of weeks of January.  There's really no reason for me to be back on until our Good Morning Girls starts back on January 15.   This will be a TOUGH one for me!!  I depend on Facebook for WAY too much!  Looking forward to the time it will free up to do other things though!
  3.   Potty Train "Miss Priss"  - enough said :)

So there's my resolutions/goals for January.  I have 3 this month but it may not necessarily be that way every month.  However, they are specific goals not just general ideas which help me actually accomplish them! 

So will you be making New Year's Resolutions?  How about All Year Resolutions?

Happy New Year Everyone!!!

1 comment:

  1. Spend less time online. Iy. yiy. I would love to figure this one out! I'm looking into reading Tell Your Time. Like your "all year resolution" approach!
