Saturday, September 8, 2012

God First Challenge: Day 8-Keep a Journal or Notebook

My journal at the top- then my GMG notebooks

Day 8 Challenge: Keep a journal/notebook

Day 8 Scripture:  Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold wondrous things out of thy law. Psalm 119:18
My son, forget not my law; but let  thine heart keep my commandments: For length of days, and long life, and peace, shall they add to thee.   Proverbs 3:1-2
Congrats you've made it half way through the challenge! Hope you're still hanging in there with me-if so I have a little giveaway at the end of this blog post!!!
Getting up early - check
Motivational Scripture - check
Someone holding you accountable - check
Comfy, cozy quiet place - check
Now let's look at why/how we study.  Today's challenge is something I started the first day I begin getting up early. I wrote down the scripture I'd read and any notes/ideas God showed me.  I was doing it completely on my own at that time and studying the book of Nehemiah.  (great study and SO relevant to today). 
Within about 6 weeks of using my journal I discovered GMG and the SOAP method and I've been using it every since.  (I'll discuss the SOAP method in more detail tomorrow.)  With each study I've printed out the GMG study guides and made a binder. 
I now have the entire books of James, 1 John, and Ephesians along with Proverbs 31 completely written out with notes and how it can be applied to my life!  If you're looking for a study to do after finishing this challenge then I highly recommend GMG. They study begins September 17 and they already have the free study guide and a bookmark ready to download-just click the pic below:
Just in a year and a half I've been doing this I've already pulled back out some of the binders to look back over something.  It's a  wonderful resource to have so I encourage you to do the same!  Another great way to use your journal/notebook is for keeping a page of things you're praying for and a page for prayers answered. I'm a little slack on this one!
So in celebration of making half way through the challenge with me I'm giving away a journal!!!  Just leave me a comment here on the blog telling me how the challenge is going for you (it's ok-be honest!) and you'll be entered to win!  I'll choose someone using and announce the winner on Tuesday, September 11th.
Good luck!


  1. Hey Anna! I am loving the blog! I thought it would be so hard to get up any earlier than I already was, but I have adjusted well. I haven't even hit the snooze! Thank you for doing this. I am really enjoying it.

  2. I really enjoy your blog. I feel God has blessed you with the gift of motivating others :) I have been trying to adjust to getting up earlier just to study. I have to keep myself from trying to finish other tasks(picking up toys,cleaning,etc) & tell myself to focus on God. I certainly enjoy my quiet time with God! Thanks!

  3. Thanks ladies for your sweet comments. They are such an encouragement to me! Since there was only two of you, I have a journal for you both!! :)
