Sunday, September 9, 2012

God First Challenge: Day 9-Study

Day 9 Challenge:  Study

Day 9 Scripture:  2 Timothy 2:15  “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.”

There are two reasons this challenge is so important and life changing for me: (1) I need spiritual nourishment. (2) I need to study God’s Word and KNOW what it says.
I think that’s one of the main problems with our country today. We’ve all taken others’ at their word and their interpretations and trusted on that instead of truly studying God’s Word and knowing for ourselves what it says. Our morals and our standards are more influenced by society than God’s Word. If we truly want to see things change then change must start within us, within our family and our home, then to our community and so forth. And the way for things to truly change within us is to truly get in God’s Word and study. Don’t be ignorant concerning God’s Word!
One thing that has really helped me in my studying is the SOAP method. SOAP stands for –Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer. I was introduced to this method through GMG. I like it because it’s easy yet thorough and effective! 
Scripture - you actually write down the scripture you read.  I like that I actually write down the scripture. There’s just something about writing it down that helps it to sink in a little more. 
Observation- To me the observation part is just the“digging a little deeper”. It usually includes what stuck out to me on a verse and other verse references. 
Application - Then the application part is how I can apply it to my life. It still amazes me how the Bible was written so many years ago yet is still so relevant today. 
Prayer -Then the last one is prayer. I usually start and end my bible studies in prayer. Praying over what I’ve read and asking God to help me truly apply it to my life and live it!
Here's an example of my SOAP sheet from James:

To read more about this method or to create your own SOAP journal online click here.

So I challenge you to really dig a little deeper in His Word today.  Maybe use a page of your journal and try out the SOAP method or maybe you have another method you like to use.  If so, then please share!

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