Wednesday, September 5, 2012

God First: Day 5 Challenge- Establish a Morning Routine

Day 5 Challenge:  Establish a Morning Routine

Day 5 Scripture:  Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.  In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.”

So we’ve gotten the motivation to get up (still with me on that, right?) now what do we do?

I have a confession to make:  I - LOVE - routine.  I’m not a spontaneous person. Those days where I go straight down my list and check everything off in order make me VERY happy!  Of course, if you really get down to it those are the days that rarely happen but I enjoy it when they do.  You may call it boring but I call it a sense of accomplishment!

One thing I’ve learned is that I can get up early and start my day the way I want to or I can lay in bed and let my kids, husband, the telephone or some other outside source start it for me.  I prefer to get up and do what I want to do even if it is just for 15 minutes! Tsh Oxenreider says it much better than me in her book One Bite at a Time:  52 Projects for Making Life Simpler.

“A methodical morning routine is a great way to treat yourself to a little soul care.  Instead of starting your day by responding to the stimulus around you, you’re proactively creating the day you want to have.”

Treating myself and proactively creating the day I want to have…I like it!  She suggests keeping it simple and finding 5 things that are about you and feed your soul.  I’m all about making life simpler (just in case you didn’t know ;) 

Here’s my simple morning routine:

1.       Get out of bed

2.       Get a cup of coffee (this one is not much of an option being as I can’t really do anything else until I have my cup of coffee)

3.       Grab my Bible and go out to the porch

4.       Pray

5.       Enjoy my time in God’s Word over my cup of coffee J

My prayer is that from the moment I wake up I’m seeking God’s direction for my life and trusting Him to guide my steps.  I love those days when I’ve finished my devotional time and can just sit and meditate and add a number 6 – Ok God in what ways can I serve you today? 

So how about you?  Do you already have a morning routine?  And an even more important question -Does it reflect your priorities and get your day started off right?    I’d love to hear your 5.


  1. I love routines, too! I am definately not a spontaneous! I walk for 30 minutes in the morning before I do anything else. I love it. That is where I have my best conversations with God. I love to talk with Him and look around at what He has created. When I don't get to go for my morning walk, I feel like I am missing something. I still have my morning conversations, but it is better when I am able to be outside.

  2. I'm really enjoying this challenge! You are doing a great job- I'm definitely more motivated! :)

  3. Jess - I'm a little jealous! I wish I had time in the morning for a walk! Mine usually doesn't come until AFTER the girls are in bed- if at all! Thanks for sharing!

    Abby - Thanks! Glad to hear that!!
